• Students must obtain course equivalency and applicability towards degree requirements for Economics courses taken at outside institutions (including winter and summer sessions) PRIOR to enrollment for those courses.
    • Once abroad, if a student realizes that a course previously approved by a UMCP advisor is not offered or cannot be accessed, he or she must contact an advisor via email as soon as possible to get new course(s) approved/evaluated.
  • ECON321, ECON325, and ECON326 must be completed in residence. 
  • A student may apply a maximum of 2 ECON courses taken aboard towards their major requirements. If a student chooses to take additional ECON courses abroad they will apply towards their general electives. 
  • Normally all University of Maryland students are required to complete their final 30 credits in residence, however credits from a University approved study abroad program may be included in the final 30 credits.